Monday, March 3, 2014

Thanks for the Tweet, Hannah!

A very special thank you to Hannah Hart for helping us to promote our event! For any of you who still don't know, Hannah is the star of the wildly successful YouTube channel MyHarto, home of the very funny and adorable show My Drunk Kitchen. Recently, Hannah has been branching out into other areas. Her most recent project is a full length movie in collaboration with the other two members of the Holy Trinity of Internet YouTube Leading Ladies (Mamrie Hart, star of You Deserve a Drink, and Grace Helbig, star of Daily Grace) called Camp Takota.

If you enjoy the work of any or all of these very talented women, you will LOVE this. It's cute, funny, intelligent and very well acted--exactly what you'd expect from these three. Please click on the image above to be taken to the movie's Website and give these talented gals your support!

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